Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Hiatus Over

So, here I am, two months after my last post, a post in which I declared a two-month hiatus. I needed a break to clear my head, figure things out. I wrote that last post with the stress of my health and my finances on the forefront of my mind. Given those circumstances, withdrawal (in more than one sense of the word) seemed like the best idea, and it was.

However, loyal readers of this blog shouldn’t be surprised when I tell you that my hiatus from poker lasted all of three weeks. Yes, I’ve been playing for the past month or so. No, I haven’t posted about it – mostly because even the most talented of writers would struggle to write interesting posts about Super Turbo and O8 SNGs, let alone a lazy, talentless bum like me.

The good news is that the stress I was under in my last post was alleviated sooner than expected. I’m still diabetic, but I’ve learned that I’ve been managing my diabetes a lot better than I thought. I’ve still got room to improve for sure, but hearing that was a huge sigh of relief. Secondly, the bankroll withdrawal was a much needed boost for me financially. Although, in retrospect, I probably could have left a small amount to play with (considering I redeposited a small amount three weeks afterwards), I was able to do some great things with that money that are still paying dividends (not literally though).

Anyway, once again, I’m formally declaring my return as a poker blogger. Until the next time I decide to quit then decide to return then quit then….you get the point.


I’ve actually got a lot of content to get out over the next couple of months, just nothing resembling poker strategy or analysis. Not that I’m alone here – it seems like the majority of what I initially knew as “poker blogs” are anything but these days. The truth is that I would actually love to post more often about strategy and whatnot, but before I commit to that, I’ve still got some other things to figure out (which will be fodder for an upcoming post).

What I do know is this: I still enjoy being a poker blogger. I’m still (very loosely) connected with many of you through some sort of interweb device, and even a handful of you through occasional real-life interaction, not to mention the large group of bloggers I still follow on a daily basis. I may post infrequently, and comment on other blogs even less, but I still enjoy being part of this community, even if I’ve never really left the fringe in my 3+ years as a blogger. Your blogs still make up the majority of my RSS feeds, and I still check up on them on a daily basis (although, admittedly, I’m marking many of them as “Read” automatically these days).

Anyway, what I’m saying is this. I’m making the leap this year.

Barring nuclear catastrophe, death, or unemployment, I’m in for the Winter Gathering this year. It’s pretty much set in stone – I mean, I already confirmed on the WPBT Facebook page, so there’s really no going back at this point. I’m in for the tournament (details here) but I’m out for the golf (details here). I’m not much of a poker player, but I’m even less of a golfer.

So yeah, keep checking this blog – it should be more active these days. Either way, if you’re going to be in Vegas in December, I’ll see you there. I’m SO looking forward to this.


At August 18, 2009 at 6:52 PM, Blogger Memphis MOJO said...

Yaaa! He's back.

At August 19, 2009 at 12:14 PM, Blogger BWoP said...

See you in December!

At August 20, 2009 at 9:05 PM, Blogger lightning36 said...

Ahhh ... I'll buy the first drink in December ...


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